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Christmas Board Game Freebie

A game with cards that can be played for fun, on its own, or alongside a learning activity.

'Santa is in a Squeeze!' entertains kids, ages 6-11.

The game cards use simple language and are easy to read for younger kids. They can be used in conjunction with another activity: so, if you land on a picture, pick a game card; if you land on a number, complete the activity. My younger group's activities were to read and write words related to the phonics sounds they are currently working on.

The game can be levelled up for an older group. For my Grammar Games group, to start, we played a memory game with some Christmas flashcards that I found on Canva. Click here for the link to a few different designs and choices that are pre-made and ready to print.

Afterwards, one set of the Christmas flashcards went face down next to 'Santa is in a Squeeze!' When they landed on a number, they needed to pick a flashcard and make a sentence with the word in, as well as a fronted adverbial because that is their current learning focus.

One of my students is EAL and still acquiring the language so I set the focus as: write a sentence with the word in. Differentiation friendly :)

Or, just let them play it with the game cards as a fun activity so you can grab a few moments to get something vital done, like eating a mince pie. It is Christmas after all ;)

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